- A brief history of photovoltaic cells
As environmentally friendly technologies enter our daily lives, photovoltaic systems have been gaining significant popularity, especially in wealthy countries. …
- PSE plans to invest in energy banks
PSE, the Polish power grid operator, plans to build powerful batteries with a capacity of at least 2 MW that would be used to store energy….
- Solar panels become more and more efficient
Australian scientists have created photovoltaic panels whose efficiency exceeds 40 percent. Innovative systems of this kind can lead to a considerable increase in the efficiency of energy production. The feasibility of the new technology has been confirmed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)….
- Will markets continue to grow? Real figures hold the reins
Stock markets have been on the rise ever since the burst of the mortgage bubble. They were given an impetus by central bankers who at some point decided literally to ‘inflate’ the economy with money. Today, the printing presses of central banks are cooling down. Whether the market will continue to grow, will depend on GDP figures and corporate results….
- GPW z szansami na wzrosty
Niskie stopy procentowe i ewentualne dalsze luzowanie polityki ze strony Rady Polityki Pieniężnej mogą przyczynić się do podtrzymania wzrostów na Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie. Rynek obligacji skarbowych nie jest obecnie atrakcyjny, a inwestorzy powinni poszukać okazji na rynku obligacji korporacyjnych. …
- WSE: a chance of growth
Low interest rates and possible further relaxation of policies by the Money Policy Council can sustain rises on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Currently, the government bond market is not particularly attractive, and investors should look for opportunities on the corporate bond market….